Articles on: Silom POS for Restaurants

Receive Transferred Products into Inventory

The branch receiving products from an inter-branch transfer can process the receipt in the backend at
Select the Warehouse menu, then choose Transfer In Products.
Choose the branch where you want to receive the products into inventory.
If there are incoming product transfers, the system will display the receiving document. You can receive products in two cases as follows:

Approved Transfer: The receiving branch does not need to manually confirm receipt, as the system will automatically process the incoming products. The receiving branch can check the items under Inventory -> Stock Movements.
Pending Transfer: The receiving branch must click Approve to confirm the receipt of goods into the warehouse. In this case, the receiving document can be edited, such as adjusting the quantity to be received or providing a reason for not accepting certain items.

You can check the inventory quantity under Inventory -> Stock Movements.

Updated on: 13/11/2024

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