Articles on: Grab & Silom

GrabFood integration with Silom POS through the web backend (Dashboard).

To ensure a smooth connection between your store and the Grab Merchant application, please follow these steps:
If your store has been using Silom POS for more than 2 months, please provide your Store ID to the Silom support team before proceeding with the integration. The support team will map your store with the Grab Merchant application. Once the mapping is complete, you can proceed with the integration immediately.
If your store has been using Silom POS for less than 2 months, you can complete the integration yourself through the web backend (Web Dashboard) or directly from the POS device.

Steps to integrate GrabFood through the Web dashboard:

Before integrating GrabFood with Silom POS, please provide your Store ID to the Silom team via Line: @silompos.
After the Silom team confirms that your store has been successfully mapped, go to the web backend 👉 Silom Dashboard.
Log in with your email and password.
Go to the "Store Setting" menu and select "Grab Integration".
Verify that the GrabFood Merchant ID matches your store’s Store ID.
If the information is correct, click "Save" and then click "Login" to sign in to the GrabMerchant application.
Enter the email and password you use to log in to GrabMerchant.
Once you have successfully logged in, click "Connect" to link your store between Grab and Silom POS.
Click "Export Menu" to import product listings from GrabFood into the POS system.

Please do not switch or leave this page during the data integration process to prevent potential errors and ensure that the data is synced accurately and completely.
Once the Export Menu process is complete, click "Proceed to Integration", then click "Enable Integration" to initiate the connection process (approximately 30 minutes).
Once the integration is complete, go to the "Products" menu to verify that all items from the Export Menu have been successfully imported into the system. ✅✨
After reviewing the products, update BOM-type items, link recipes, and add options to the products as needed. Then, proceed to "Sync Grab" on the "Delivery Management Menu" page.

Updated on: 21/02/2025

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