Discount Coupon
Creating discount coupons in the Silom POS system can effectively help stores attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases from existing ones. Store owners can set the discount type by following these steps:
Log in to and complete the sign-in process.
Once logged in, navigate to the Loyalty Points menu.
Click + Create Reward Coupon.
Select the Discount Coupon type.
Enter the required information, such as the coupon image, name, and description.
Specify the number of points customers need to redeem the coupon and the discount value.
Set the coupon validity period, including the redemption period and the usage period.
Define additional conditions, such as the total number of coupons to be created and the maximum coupons a customer can redeem.
Click Preview to review the coupon details and ensure all information is correct.
Once everything is accurate, click Save to create the discount coupon.

Log in to and complete the sign-in process.
Once logged in, navigate to the Loyalty Points menu.
Click + Create Reward Coupon.
Select the Discount Coupon type.
Enter the required information, such as the coupon image, name, and description.
Specify the number of points customers need to redeem the coupon and the discount value.
Set the coupon validity period, including the redemption period and the usage period.
Define additional conditions, such as the total number of coupons to be created and the maximum coupons a customer can redeem.
Click Preview to review the coupon details and ensure all information is correct.
Once everything is accurate, click Save to create the discount coupon.

Updated on: 12/03/2025
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